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Random Musings

So much to do. So little time.

Francesca age 19
"Remember to breathe," my ex used to tell me, the one piece of good advice he ever gave me. Oh yes. Stand straight was another. I remember this midst the flurry of marketing activity surrounding A View of the Lake,my newest book. Meanwhile, the sequel to the Scent of God: Looking for Francesca the story of the search, after her death, for the daughter I lost when she was a teen, has moved to its next important stage. I received a $1,500 McKnight/ACHF/ARAC Career Development Grant for an editorial critique of this manuscript. This manuscript, after a frenetic rush to receive and incorporate first readers' insights, is now with Alison McGhee -- Pulitzer Prize nominee and NYT best selling author -- who plans to return the manuscript next week and has already sent me great suggestions about tightening the structure. Meanwhile, the weather here on Lake Superior shimmers in summertime glory and tempts me outside and away from my computer. A glorious excuse to catch my breath, stand straight, and open my arms to life. Read More 
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Launching a new book

It's out and officially celebrated. Last night the publisher held a wonderful party for me at their offices in Duluth. I was nervous at first, not knowing what to expect. I wonder if it's always like this, the author and event coordinators hoping and praying that people show up. I had one reading in Chicago (for the Scent of God) that was attended only by staff and 4 readers. Oh, the inner distress at having to give this news to the publicist. I felt as if it were my fault for not being the hot author they'd envisioned. All that money spent on sending me to Chicago and putting me up at a swank hotel. The launch party was FUN. While not attended by hundreds, it was a roaring success and the book (and I)got mentioned on Duluth TV. Here's the link should you be interested. http://www.wdio.com/article/stories/S2139758.shtml?cat=10335. There's a short ad first so don't give up. Read More 
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It's About Time

I've been so busy working on finishing the sequel to The Scent of God, and connecting with the publisher on my soon to be released A View of the Lake, that I've neglected this blog which, if properly utilized provides a great tool for keeping me focused and on track. We've been enjoying a several months hiatus in Florida with its attendant delights -- beach, pool, parks, bikes, nearby access to everything from food to movies (I mention the latter two items because on the North Shore of Lake Superior "nearby" access does not exist). Visits from friends and family seeking to escape the blustery brutal winter that's prevailed elsewhere across the nation provided yet another excuse to neglect my blogging here and elsewhere. Nevertheless, I've almost finished the second (well actually 4th) draft of Looking for Francesca with its attendant letting of blood, tears, and laughter. Because the manuscript has grown unwieldy with stories, each of which to my eyes is important, I've applied for a Arts Board Grant for editorial critique by a professional with a sharp eye and merciless hand.  Read More 
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